It's only a week since the last weekly weeknotes post so providing this reaches the site in time the expanded team might be showing signs of working as planned. Since last week there has been a bit of on-boarding of Chris, and settling back into the rhythms of working alongside someone. It's nice to get back to seeing issues get ticked off without any work from me.
As well as answering all the questions from Chris, there's been some wrangling of Django (the web framework we use for the server side of Museum in a Box) to improve the activity displays for customers' boxes.
I've also been spending some time working out how we can partition data on the Factoree website, so that we can have some private client data, alongside some public data to show any visitors what can be done. Aside from that, there was a bit of plotter maintenance, as one had picked up a knock during an office move.
The search for somebody to help with the sales/marketing/storytelling/admin side of the business is still ongoing. We have arranged interviews for the coming weeks but haven't hired anyone yet. The job spec for the role is here. If you know of anyone who fits the bill, send them our way!
STEAM Engineers are onboarded and working on helping move projects forward. There are more shiny new My Baby's got LED boards available on tindie.

They have also been looking at charging options for the Peloton project flashing breastplates and also moving the Ackers Bell forward.