It's Chris on weeknotes this week, and last and...
Apart from a few little tweaks the Cathedral donation project is up and running. There's a few weeks left if you want to interact with the Peter Walker installation and make a donation to the cathedral. If you want to try it out, send a message including the word "cathedral" and your choice of colour from red, pink, blue, green, orange, yellow, purple, or cyan to 70152.
On product development I am still looking for local CNC manufacturers who can produce the frame for Acker's Bell. It's proving harder than we had anticipated and not helped by a shortage of plywood.

I am also looking at some potential development work to allow Museum in a Box to produce a new batch of devices. The current design uses hardware that is not easily available with current shortages so we're investigating alternatives.
Nikki is continuing to work on the marketing plan and looking at ways to reach new audiences for our products. With the dark nights drawing in attention is turning to the LED projects, My Baby's got LED and the portable version for cyclists, My Bike's got LED. We're also busy thinking about other ways we might apply internet connected lights.
Adrian did some long-overdue maintenance on our Gitlab server (where our projects are stored). It's got more memory now, so is running much more smoothly. That also prompted some housekeeping to tidy up old tasks and priorities and do some thinking about where we are on the product roadmap.