Chris here this time. Two weeks worth of notes in one week but plenty to talk about.

Ross has made great progress with updates to the Ackers bell design. Pictured is the prototyping in acrylic plastic via Freecad, to help fine tune the design clearances. The final build will still be wood, we've had some postive chats with a local manufacturer, and along the way learned about the growth (literally) of local bamboo sheet. Although the transparent acrylic may have set some of us wondering if there is room for a cross over internet connected colour changing bell?
The client work we can't talk about even though we'd really like to continues, adding SD card reading to the ESP32S2 microcontrollers USB reading capability. Adrian also visited a PCB manucaturer in the midlands. We don't really need any excuses to post photographs of production line tools. I'm not sure, but I suspect these three pcb drills are called Mick, Ron and Nick.

My Bike's Got LED
We're well into dark nights and that means more (and more) My Bike's Got LED boards.
The V2 board design is very nearly complete, the next version will have on board charging via USB, or the option of solar charging. The board connectors have been reworked as well to reduced the overall size and still make it easy to plug and unplug lights. We've also made some updates to the onboard circuitry to make everything a bit more battery efficient. We're also mulling over ideas for some new effects, hopefully more news on this very soon.
Thanks to the good folk over at Peloton there are plenty of chances for folks riding LED equiped bikes to get out for a Joyride On the end of season finale there was a child focused ride that met up with a group of regulars for a ride around Sefton Park, accompanied by DogShow on the disco cargo bike.
And we broke out a My Baby's Got LED board and a string of LED lights for the DoES Liverpool Christmas tree. Of course, it's connected over the Internet to Cheerlights, so you can tweet #cheerlights and a colour to change the lights here in the studio.