The run up to Christmas has been rather hectic. Most of the time was taken up with the chicken farm project - as mentioned in the last weeknotes, that was running to a very hard deadline. We hit the deadline okay but it meant that I got to spend a day during our first period of snow outside on a chicken farm installing sensors. It didn't get above -1.5°C all day, and we had two inches of snow. This is what the "office" looked like that day:

That project is now in more of a holding pattern as we gather data and analyse what we're seeing. Thankfully all of that can be done from the comfort of a warm office because the data-logging is done remotely.
Aside from that, we ran a weekend of hardware hacking and Arduino fun at the second Howduino Liverpool, launched the new website and as a result have been building another four Bubblini who will be heading off to their new owners in the new year.