For a while now we've been working with Russell Davies to explore background noise. It's kind of a background project that we're slowly picking away at to see where it takes us. Slow R&D if you like.

So, we were intrigued when we came across the other week. It's a service providing an easy way to hook up audible notifications for things that can call a web API. There's a good demo of it hooked up to github.

We were lucky enough to get one of the first invites to try it out, and got to playing with it yesterday. There'll be more on our experiments in a future post, but for now we wanted to share some code.

As usual, one of the first things to be done with any new technology here at MCQN Ltd is to work out how to hook an Arduino up to it. The combination of the API's simplicity and our HttpClient library for Arduino made it fairly easy, but we thought we might as well share it in case anyone else wants a head start.

You can find it on our Github account at arduino_choirboy.